
Monday, April 27, 2020

Even now in heaven there were angels carrying savage weapons

Not said much about moths recently as things have been pretty quiet on that front. However Friday night's trap had a bit more variety, including one of my favourites, the Puss Moth.

These fluffy, cuddly, cherubic-looking moths aren't an annual occurrence at the trap here so it's always great when one turns up..

I've still never seen the caterpillar despite a fair amount of looking. Weird looking things with whip-like projections from their back end. I guess I need to try a little harder.

I also had the first hawkmoth of the year in last night's trap in the form of Poplar Hawkmoth. Always a sign that summer's almost here.

Keeping it real on the beetling front I managed another new staph from tapping hawthorm blossom. This one from the Subfamily Omaliinae is Dropephylla ioptera. A bit like a slimline Olophrum

The next few days look like they might be a bit of a washout so I will probably resort to some backlog beetling, mainly staphs from the heap and oh so many ptilids.

Today's inspiration comes in the form of.....

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so you outdid me on today's music choice. Happy now? ;)
