
Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Fly Trap

Whenever I do my Christmas shopping I always seem to end up with more for me than the other members of my family.....not really sure what that says about me!

On one such pre-christmas session on a well-known website I ended up purchasing The Fly Trap by Fredrik Sjöberg. Originally published about a decade ago it has only recently been translated into English.

Sjöberg is a collector of hoverflies on an island in the Swedish archipelago off Stockholm, and this hobby is the starting point of a beautifully written musing about life and the nature of obsession, all woven around a biography of the Swedish entomologist, René Malaise (him of the trap).

This was a good read and I could really relate to the sense of feeling at one with a particular place, where the seasonal nuances of nature and one's understanding of them give the observer a deep sense of calm and satisfaction.

Malaise was someone I knew nothing about, and this brief biography gives a real sense of the man himself and his rather amazing life. From his heyday in the 1930s to his later obsession with Atlantis.

Anyway, one to recommend.

1 comment:

  1. I've just finished reading this, what a charming and eccentric book! Agree that he's good at describing the pleasures of getting lost in watching hoverflies.
