Well I say my first woodlouse, but in all honesty I've seen hundreds of the things it's just that I've never got round to trying to identifying one to species.
So while laying a hedge and moving some bricks in the garden today I decided to pot a couple I found and sat down with a copy of the AIDGAP Woodlice book by Hopkins.
Unsurprisingly, it keyed out as the rather common Oniscus asellus but it's a new one for me and a new record for the garden.
So apparently only 36 species to go on this particular bit of the crustacean list. Except looking back into the deep and distant past I remember seeing Common Sea Slaters Ligia oceanica which means a bonus tick and thus only 35 to go....

Having only identified Black Snail Beetle Silpha atrata at the end of 2014, I found quite a few of them wintering under bricks with various other invertebrates.
New for the year were a couple of Brown Garden Snails Cornu asperum and several of these slugs which i think are Limax maximus but happy to be corrected if not.