
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

It's time for house

Another couple of really hot evenings and the moth trap has been buzzing with insects. Beetles have been arriving in large numbers around dusk again and last night there were at least six Polistichus connexus strutting their stuff around the MV bulb. I have quite a lot of 'homework' from the past few nights, especially in the form of small staphs, so no bulb on tonight.

As I sit here typing with the back door and windows open in the early evening heat, I can hear the broken and occasionally erratic chirps of a house cricket.

These have been a feature of the hot nights of the last couple of years in my village. Escaped from reptile-owning households they seem to be a fixture of summers here. I have even heard them in the middle of arable fields in the fens, so I suspect they may be here to stay, especially since our climate is warming rapidly. 

Despite hearing them every day, I'd never set eyes on one until last night when this female showed up at the light trap.

She was much bigger than I expected and posed well for several pics (after 10 mins in the fridge) before heading off on her merry way.

The post title comes from this 80s gem from Coldcut featuring Yazz, before she decided that the only way she wanted to go was the opposite of down.

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