
Saturday, May 4, 2024

A new staph

Last week, while on a work trip to Dumfries and Galloway I visited the RSPB's Mersehead reserve. The weather was amazing and we had a guided tour of the site. 

We had a look at the dune system, saw some Natterjack spawn and I even got to have a quick poke around under som beach debris. I have a couple of aleochs sitting in a tube still awaiting a name but I did find this beauty.

When I saw it I thought it was Bolitobius species but once I was home and had it under the microscope I managed to convince myself it was a weird looking Quedius. Should have stuck with my initial assessment!

This is Bolitobius castaneus. It's the smaller of the two UK species and has 8 to 10 puncture on the sutural stria as oppsed 5 or 6 in B. cingulatus. A new species for me.

EDIT: wrong again. Staphs are a learning game! It's actually a Mycetoporus. Need to have another look.

UPDATE: so thankfully my mistake was pointed out and this keys to Mycetoporus longulus. There are records from nearby too. Still a new staph though!!

I also found a Pterostichus vernalis and this Broscus.